You are an Overcomer- Never forget

I just want to remind you of something that may have slipped your mind this morning, or this week, or this month since the seasons of life are changing and the colder months can cast a darker, colder shadow at times.

Each morning, you might want to start fresh, and leave the past behind you, right? But please, friend, don’t forget everything you’ve overcome.

Don’t forget the challenges which seemed impossible…when you said “there is no way I can get through this” but you did, and you are. Don’t ever forget.

Don’t forget when you ran out of every last molecule of energy you had left to give, and you had no idea how you would keep going another moment longer…. but instead of giving up, you found something else inside of you that carried you forward. Don’t forget that driving force within you.

Don’t forget when you had experienced all of the torture you thought you could shoulder. Don’t forget when heartbreak, physical pain, and sleepless nights pushed you past your breaking point. You said, “I can’t endure this nightmare for one more moment.”

Remember when you were ready to forget it all?

How are you still here after everything you’ve been through?

Don’t forget how you made it!

Don’t forget that force inside of you that begins when you’ve reached the end of yourself.

Don’t forget.


As seasons change, as life continues to surprise you, carry yourself as the OVERCOMER you are.



Links to the featured artist: The Last Sparrow (artistic home furnishings on Etsy), Follow Voilet D’Art on Flickr, Twitter 

About abodyofhope

I do not know why it is that we must wade through tragic circumstances to find truth. We nearly drown! But under the water, there are pearls. I hope in writing this blog, more will come to the surface. Over the past 15 years living with chronic pain, patient advocacy has had a powerful effect on my life through meeting so many remarkable teens, women and men: SURVIVORS. These individuals are HOPE personified. I wish to honor them in the same spirit they have encouraged me to press on. Eight years ago, I became bed-bound from a variety of secondary chronic illnesses. A procedure meant to help the pain condition I had been managing for several years- went bust #BIGTIME. Over the years, my entire life has changed. I have changed, but I am still striving to live my best life possible. Along with sharing inspiring pieces about spiritual wellness and finding quality of life inside of ongoing illness, I also share health research, awareness information, poetry, memes, art, and this blog is also an attempt to put my own pieces back together. Welcome to A Body of Hope, and thank you for visiting. [Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/ RSD, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Dysautonomia, Chronic Intractable Migraine, Cluster headache, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Occipital Neuralgia, Hypersensitivity to Sound & Light, Fibro, CFS/ME, Cerebrospinal Fluid Imbalance......blah, blah, blah] >>> P.S. My headgear is protective for pain. I just rock it hard ;)

Posted on October 17, 2016, in Inspiration, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Awww, tears came to my eyes. Thanks Mary! I like the word ‘overcomer’. You always find the best words. As I indeed fell into helplessness this past week (energy, body functions, speech, energy to maintain my emotions in check) and fear the ‘worse’ again, you remind me that I’ve already been through that, that it can’t get to that point so easily again, that I can overcome it again with time if needed.

    I’ve also been torn by wondering how I can handle looking better and being better but also not have to worry so much about optics. That I have to hide my smile because insurances and friends might think it’s not real, or that I am so much better when I’m not when put in real-life situations. Friends, the real ones, they know. But I am still getting used to showing my smile and happiness again, having been so down for so long with little hope. And fearing a facebook picture would trigger an inquiry…

    But you are right, I should not forget the worst of it that allowed me to rise a little more to the sunshine. And I should focus on those thoughts of overcoming, of triumph, rather than of fear the invisible disability will trigger questions if I smile. I want to smile so what I should do is not forget the victories that led me here, but let go of the tears and fears. I am still living it, just not as intensely. So when I feel like hiding my smile out of fear, I need to focus instead of smiling at my overcoming all these obstacles. And smiling at knowing I can overcome more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very recently when I shared with you that I was not feeling like myself, and struggling to find my “mojo” you reminded me of the recent activities I had participated in, which were new and exciting- things I had not done in years. Events I would have imagined to be impossible only one year ago! But the crash is devastating, no matter how tall the triumph is.
      Your gentle reminder has helped me become much more gentle with myself when my body and brain are processing and recovering from major shifts in life’s tectonic plates. So thank you for keeping me from becoming too frustrated with myself as is often my first resort.

      You’ve accomplished something impossible, a feat worth celebrating for years to come! You knew that you would be borrowing spoons for a long time. Your mind had its turn to power through, and now it’s your body’s turn to relax. You’ll catch up on your spoon supply in time, but I know you want to enjoy your victory instead of rest rest rest. You’ll get there.
      I’m so grateful this was shared at the right time for you, friend. You are certainly an overcomer!!!


      • Ok, so I was apparently totally clueless about WordPress’ feature that sends you an alert at the top of the screen (little bell sign) when you get an answer to a post O_O But it’s February 22, 2017 and you left me this touching message on Oct 16, 2016. So, a big LOL to myself for missing that for so long. And a big thank you to you for your lovely message which, funny enough, is still very current about my need to celebrate my big victory (snow and ice clearing this time, not yardwork haha) and now needing to rest and get my spoons back in check. Love!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Only if you’ll forgive me for seeing your message just now- June 22nd! Haha, Saying that it’s hard to keep up with chronic illness is an understatement, right? I hope you are finding ways to reward yourself and celebrate your victories, because you really have come so far! Xoxo


  2. Dear Mary, thank you for your article! I agree with you, we truly are overcomers! With the help of the holy spirit, he gently reminds us of what’s important and to meditate on his promises. Wishing you many of life’s blessings and better health in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you, Mary, for this beautiful and timely message.And for being an inspiration to so many.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for writing something like this. I started a website myself to help inspire those living in chronic pain as well. Thank you for spreading hope. We need it. We need to know we can do this.
    If you wish to see some of my stuff feel free to visit


  5. Thank you for this beautifully inspiring post. You my dear friend have also overcome so much and have given and continue to give encouragement and strength to your loved ones and friends. Sending a gentle hug and my love ❤


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